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Scientific Leadership
for Research & Development of Drinking-Water-from-Air Technologies
Working with the water-from-air community since 1984

Expertise: Water-from-Air Systems, Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs)

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Technical Publications (to buy)

Water-from-Air Book
(​Updated July 2018)

Water-from-Air Quick Guide (142 pages, paperback). Learn when and where to use atmospheric water generators. The book includes water-from-air resource charts for 23 cities facing perennial water shortages—the book costs a lot less than the $230 value of the charts purchased separately! Preview the first 12 pages, including Contents, by selecting the PDF download instruction (a bit further down on this web page). Click on this cover image to go to Amazon (USA) to buy your copy! Amazon's "LOOK INSIDE!" feature usually lets you see the list of 23 cities. Try it!

Click the Amazon location that you prefer to buy from and see their page about the book: AEAUBEBRCADEESFRGB (UK)IN,  ITJPMXNLPLSETR, or US

Now available as a Kindle e-book!—at any Amazon site, search the Kindle Store using the term "Roland Wahlgren".

"Want to thank you for providing a resource for the air to water community and companies...I found your Water from Air, Quick Guide very informative."--Keith Spaulding, CEO, Alchemy Sun and Water, York, ME, USA (January 2016).

We own a copy of your book 'Water-From-Air Quick Guide' and must say it is a good and informative read!"---K.C., [water-from-air equipment supplier] India (June 2020).

"I would like to congratulate you for the book water from air quick guide. This inspired me to built my own air water generator. Thank you for providing the valuable technical inputs." ---J. V.  [water-from-air equipment supplier] India (May 2021).

Pages 1 12 From Water From Air Quick Guide Second Edition Pdf
PDF – 436.9 KB 78 downloads

Buy the Technical Publications displayed below at the Atmoswater Shop (these are digital goods for immediate download—click on image to go to the product's page in the Shop)

Buyer's guide to atmospheric water generators. A comprehensive view of the water-from air industry's active companies and their products!

Water-from-Air Resource Monthly Analyses

Water-from-Air System (Atmospheric Water Generator) Hourly Analysis Models (various locations)

Air-moisture Table

Dew-point Table

Atlas of the Water-from-Air Resource for California for understanding when and where to use atmospheric water generators.

Atlas of the Water-from-Air Resource for China for understanding when and where to use atmospheric water generators.

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Technical Resources (free)

Articles Published by Roland Wahlgren 

Published in Everything About Water magazine (May 2015)
Using the Drinking-Water-from-Air Resource in India
by Roland Wahlgren
Water from air is a potable water resource in India that can be accessed using atmospheric water generators. The magnitude of the resource varies seasonally. Delhi is an example of a northern site while Trivandrum represents a southern site.

The next article is essential reading for anyone interested in water-from-air!

Published in Water Online (February 2014): Water-From-Air Technologies Can Help Solve Drinking Water Scarcities by Roland Wahlgren. Update: Two links in the article have changed

  • Link in Fig. 2 should be http://esrl.noaa.gov/psd/
  • Link for Reference 2 (Lalasz, 2011)  - click on "Download File" link below
Lalasz 2011 Water Shortage By 2050 Pdf
PDF – 2.2 MB 59 downloads

Presented at CWWA Conference (2014) Another Water Resource for Caribbean Countries—Water-from-Air ​by Roland Wahlgren

Cite as: Wahlgren, R. V. (2014, October) Another Water Resource for Caribbean Countries: Water-from-Air. Paper presented at the Caribbean Water & Wastewater Association, Twenty-Third Annual Water & Wastewater Conference and Exhibition, October 6–11, 2014, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas. Retrieved from https://s3.amazonaws.com/eventmobi-assets/eventsbyids/6712/documents/seminar/424180/Wahlgren,_R_11_Paper-WaterFromAir.pdf

Video about water-from-air
​(4 minutes 40 seconds)

To access video please click on image above

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