Water-from-Air Resource Charts
Charts for selected cities
- Sorted alphabetically by continent, country, and city .
- These analyses are independent of the water-from-air equipment being used.
- When the water-from-air resource monthly index = 1.00, the expected drinking water production rate from a atmospheric water generator (AWG) at the site should be the same as the machine's specified water-from-air production rate.
- Water-from-Air Resource annual index grades
Excellent: Index greater than or equals 1
Good: Index range 0.76 to 0.99
Fair: Index range 0.51 to 0.75
Poor: Index less than or equal to 0.50
- Estimate the daily drinking water production rate at a site with this method (chilled surface temperature = 5°C; WFAR index less than or equal to 1.00):
(1) Use water-from-air system's specified production rate (for example: 20 L/day; 2500 L/day)
(2) Use the annual or monthly Water-from-Air Resource (WFAR) index value from the WFAR chart for your site
(3) Calculate the factor = (1.8 x index - 0.8) [dimensionless]
(4) Estimate [L/day] = specified rate [L/day] x factor
Example: Specified rate = 20 L/day; Index = 0.91; Factor = (1.8 x 0.91 - 0.8) = 0.838; Estimate = 20 L/day x 0.838 = 17 L/day.
- When the water-from-air resource index is greater than 1.00, the machine's maximum water production rate is constrained by the equipment's cooling capacity (for example, atmospheric water generators which are dehumidifiers condensing water vapour onto chilled surfaces). It is safest to say production rate = specified rate.
- Site climate classifications on the charts are from the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification (2006 version) -
- If you cannot find your location in our product list below, please send a message to We will produce a new Water-from-Air Resource chart and inform you when it is ready to purchase (usually within 2 days).
- Hourly analysis reports are available!
- Custom reports modeling the water-from-air resource for specific equipment on an hourly basis can be produced on request at a quoted price. Please contact us at
- See also the blog post The #Water-from-Air Resource Chart Explained for more insights!
- The water-from-air resource can also be interpreted as an index of the "moisture load" to be handled by a dehumidifier.
Water-from-Air Resource Chart for Vancouver, BC, Canada showing the type of information you would get on the chart for your location. Click on chart for larger image.
Why is there a price for these charts? Why can't they be free?
Revenue from the sales of these charts is intended for:
- Self-funded research and development of the knowledge-base for water-from-air technologies
- Development, operation, and maintenance of this website
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