
Climatology/Hydrology (Water Resources)
Crocker, R. G. and R. V. Wahlgren 2002. Financial & Commercial Viability Study—Grand Turk Solar Desalination Greenhouse for Water + Food™ . Report delivered to Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd. by Site Specific Structures, Langley, BC, Canada and Atmoswater Research, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Crocker, R. G. and R. V. Wahlgren 2003.Training Plan—Grand Turk Solar Desalination Greenhouse for Water + Food™. Report delivered to Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd. by Site Specific Structures, Langley, BC, Canada and Atmoswater Research, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Wahlgren, R. V. 1993. Atmospheric water vapour processing, Waterlines, Vol. 12(2): 20–22.

Wahlgren, R. V. 2001. Atmospheric water vapour processor designs for potable water production: a review, Water Research, 35(1): 1–22.

Wahlgren R. V. 2002. Technical Feasibility Study—Grand Turk Solar Desalination Greenhouse for Water + Food™, 2nd ed. (revised September 2002). Report delivered to Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd. by Atmoswater Research, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Wahlgren R. V. 2003. Partnership Agreement—Grand Turk Solar Desalination Greenhouse for Water + Food™, Report delivered to Batavia Greenhouse Builders Ltd. by Atmoswater Research, North Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Wahlgren, R. V. 2008. Water-producing greenhouses for small tropical islands: Ahead of their time or a timely solution? Proc. IW on Greenh. Environ. Control & Crop Prod. in Semi-Arid Regions, Eds.: C. Kubota and M. Kacira, Acta Hort. (ISHS) 797: 405–410.

Wahlgren, R. V. 2014. Water-from-Air Technologies Can Help Solve Drinking Water Scarcities. Water Online article, February 11, 2014.

Wahlgren, R. V. (2014, October) Another Water Resource for Caribbean Countries: Water-from-Air. Paper presented at the Caribbean Water & Wastewater Association, Twenty-Third Annual Water & Wastewater Conference and Exhibition, October 6–11, 2014, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas. Retrieved from,_R_11_Paper-WaterFromAir.pdf

Wahlgren, Roland (2015) Using the Drinking-Water-from-Air Resource in India. Everything About Water (May 2015).

Church, M. and R. V. Wahlgren. 1974. Reference Materials on Sedimentation and Morphology of the Lower Fraser River (Preliminary Edition). Dept. of Geography, Univ. of BC, 125 pp.

Wahlgren, R. V. and C. F. M. Lewis 1977. Estimation of bulk density and water content of Beaufort Sea sediment cores using x-radiographs: in Report of Activities, Part A; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1A, pp. 465–470.

Wahlgren, R. V. 1979. Ice-scour tracks on the Beaufort Sea Continental Shelf - their form and an interpretation of the processes creating them, unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Geography, Carleton University, Ottawa, 183 pp.

Wahlgren, R. V. 1979. Ice-scour tracks in eastern Mackenzie Bay and north of Pullen Island, Beaufort Sea, in Current Research, Part B, Geol. Survey of Canada, Paper 79-1B, pp. 51–62.

Natural History
Coope, M., Wahlgren, R. V. & Marchand, M. 2013. 
Discovery Index 2: Volumes 23 to 39, 1994 to 2010. Vancouver, BC: Vancouver Natural History Society. 

Wahlgren, R. V. 1993. Stephen Partington, An Outstanding Naturalist, Discovery, 22(2): 54–55.

Wahlgren, R. V. 1993. Maplewood Flats Cleanup June 5, 1993, Discovery, 22(3): 117–119.

Wahlgren, R. V. 1993. Profile: Daphne Solecki New President of the FBCN, Discovery, 22(3): 115–116.

Wahlgren, R. V. and M. Marchand. 1993. (eds.) Discovery Index Issue, 22(5), Vancouver Natural History Soc., 132 p.

Wahlgren, R. V. 1994. Maplewood Berm Tree-Planting April 2, 1994, Discovery, 23(4): 154–155.

Wahlgren, R. V. 2001. (ed.) Discovery Index Supplement: Volumes 23 to 29, 1994 to 2000. Vancouver Natural History Soc., 52 p.

Public Utility Electrical Load Research 
Load Research Reports for BC Hydro 2009 to 2010