Water-from-Air Patent Links

Patents sorted by year of issue
Patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), can be downloaded by clicking on the link. A new tab (or page, depending on your browser settings) will open in your browser for the URL www.pat2pdf.org. Please follow their simple instructions. They stated on their site, "pat2pdf.org exists thanks to the support of volunteer programmers that have kept the site free and running (as much as possible) over several years." I encourage users of their service to donate to pat2pdf.org periodically (at the URL www.pat2pdf.org) to ensure that their valuable service continues making it easy to access USPTO patent information. Atmoswater Research has no financial interest or connection with pat2pdf.org but is simply recommending its services to the water-from-air community.

At this time, there is no similar easy method to make links for downloading pdf's of non-USPTO patents.


Patent Knowledge-base
These are external links, provided solely for your convenience. Atmoswater Research is not responsible for, and has no control over content of the web sites at these links.

Patent reading tips:

​Books about patents:

  • Ikenson, B. 2004. Patents: ingenious inventions—how they work and how they came to be
  • Jester, M. H. 2006. 20 questions to ask if you have a great idea or invention
  • Johnson, S. 2010. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation

Articles about patents:

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1900–1969 (expired US patents)


1980-1989 (expired US patents)

1990-1999 (expired US patents)

2000-2009 (US patents filed before 2004 have expired; later US patents expire 20 years from filing date)

  • Forsberg, F. C. and Colbert, C. 2009. Portable, potable water recovery and dispensing apparatus. Canadian Patent Publication No. CA 2614643 C.
















Patents associated with specific companies or organizations
Sources: Public domain information from United States Patent and Trademark Office, company websites, press releases, SEC filings, etc.

  • ​​Air Solar Water & Rain Capture: United States Patent 8,506,675 B2.
  • Air-O-Water: United States Patents 5,669,221; 5,845,504; 6,058,718; 6,182,453; 7,089,763; and 7,373,787.
  • Air2 Water LLC: United States Patents 5,669,221; 5,845,504; 6,058,718; 6,182,453; 7,089,763; and 7,373,787.
  • Altitude Water: United States Patent 7,272,947.
  • Aqua Solutions Corp.: United States Patents 5,106,512; 5,149,446; 5,203,989; and 5,366,705.
  • Aquahara Technology GmbH: United States Patent Application Publications 2019/0299123 A1 and 2020/0346164 A1; United States Patent 11,192,049 B2.
  • Aquaria: United States Patent Application Publication 2024/0208303 A1.
  • Atmospheric Water Solutions: United States Patents 5,701,749; 6,029,461; 6,289,689; 6,779,358; United States Design Patent D799,255 S.
  • AtmoWater, Inc.: United States Patents 8,075,652 and 8,398,733.
  • DewPoint Systems: United States Patent 7,726,138.
  • Drinkable Air: United States Patent 7,272,947.
  • Drupps AB: United States Patents 9,206,990 B2 and 9,737,844 B2; United States Patent Application Publication 2014/0352536 A1.
  • EcoloBlue, Inc.: United States Patents 7,861,544 and 8,302,412 B2.
  • Element Four® Technologies Inc.: United States Patent 7,343,754; United States Design Patent D591,411.
  • Eole Water S.A.S.: United States Patent 8,820,107.
  • EuroSport Active World Corp (EAWC) Technologies: United States Patent 6,514,321 B1.
  • Infinite Water, Inc.: United States Patent 9,731,218 B2.
  • Island Sky Corporation: United States Patents 6,343,479 B1 and 7,121,101 B2.
  • Oxydus: United States Patents 10,619,333 B1 and 10,633,835 B1.
  • Pacific Airwell Corp.: United States Patent Application Publication 2017/0097198 A1.
  • Quest Water Solutions Inc.: United States Patent 7,998,255.
  • Saisons Technocom Pvt. Ltd.: United States Patents 5,669,221; 5,845,504; 6,058,718; 6,182,453; 7,089,763; and 7,373,787; India Patents 192,413; 199,326; and 241,216.
  • Skywell, LLC: United States Patent 9,795,895 B2.
  • SolarPanels4u: International Application Number PCT/US22/36754.
  • Stiftung Sanakvo: United States Patent 9,200,434 B2.
  • SuntoWater Technologies LLC: United States Patents 8,834,614 B2; 8,845,795 B2; 8,858,684 B2; 8,864,883 B2; 8,876,956 B2; 8,882,888 B2; 8,882,895 B2; 8,920,546 B2; 9,005,349 B2; 9,017,456 B2; 9,039,816 B2; 9,061,239 B2; 9,114,354 B2; and 9,126,142 B2.
  • United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy: United States Patents 8,021,542 B2 and 8,182,584 B1.
  • Vitality Vector, BV: United States Patent 6,336,957 B1.
  • Water Generating Systems, LLC: United States Patents 6,945,063 B2 and 9,617,719 B2.
  • Water Technologies International, LLC: United States Patent 9,057,557 B2.
  • Water-Gen Ltd.: United States Patent 9,140,396 B2.
  • WaterMaker (India) Pvt. Ltd: United States Patents 5,106,512; 5,149,446; 5,203,989; and 5,366,705.
  • Zero Mass Water, Inc.: United States Patent Application Publications 2017/0294876 A1 and 2018/0043295 A1

Please let us know about other water-from-air related patents that should be listed here. Thank you!