GSC 77-1A (Beaufort Sea Sediment Cores)

Wahlgren, R. V. and C. F. M. Lewis 1977. Estimation of bulk density and water content of Beaufort Sea sediment cores using x-radiographs: in Report of Activities, Part A; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1A, pp. 465-470.

The principal purpose of this paper is to examine the feasibility of rapid estimation of water content and bulk density values from whole core radiographs by comparing optical film density from gravimetrically determined water contents and bulk densities on sediment cores from the Beaufort Sea. A procedure is described for standardizing core radiographs that facilitates the recovery of physical property estimates when a few calibration values are available from the sediments of interest.
Reprints may be requested from R. V. Wahlgren,

A free download of the entire Paper 77-1A which includes my paper (pp. 465–470) is available from GEOSCAN, Natural Resources Canada.