
Water-from-Air Resource Charts

A coupled human–natural system analysis of freshwater security under climate and population change.
​Jim Yoon, Christian Klassert, Philip Selby, Thibaut Lachaut, Stephen Knox, Nicolas Avisse, Julien Harou, Amaury Tilmant, Bernd Klauer, Daanish Mustafa, Katja Sigel, Samer Talozi, Erik Gawel, Josue Medellín-Azuara, Bushra Bataineh, Hua Zhang, Steven M. Gorelick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Apr 2021, 118 (14) e2020431118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2020431118

From the Abstract: Limited water availability, population growth, and climate change have resulted in freshwater crises in many countries. Jordan’s situation is emblematic, compounded by conflict-induced population shocks. Integrating knowledge across hydrology, climatology, agriculture, political science, geography, and economics, we present the Jordan Water Model, a nationwide coupled human–natural-engineered systems model that is used to evaluate Jordan’s freshwater security under climate and socioeconomic changes.