Water-from-Air Topic Links
These are miscellaneous news articles, web sites, etc.
- Atmoswater Research is not responsible for, and has no control over the contents of the web sites at these links.
- Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement.
- Dew collection roof retrofit; Appropedia: The Sustainability Wiki
- Arye Kohavi; Wikipedia
- Atmospheric Water Generator: Wikipedia
- Dehumidifier: Wikipedia
- Best Dehumidifier for Basement; Happy DIY Home
- Nielsen, K. (2005). Out of Thin Air. Miami New Times. February 10, 2005 [article by a journalist about Air Water Corporation, founder and CEO Michael Zwebner, and inventor James Reidy]
- Defense Technical Information Center (2006). DTIC ADA465439: Water from Air
- What are atmospheric water generators? by Sara Elliot (2011); HowStuffWorks
- Fresh water paper proves recycled, gets retracted; Retraction Watch [one of my peer-reviewed publications was the victim of a plagiarizer]
- Phenix, M. (2008). The Coolest Watercooler. The Robb Report Collection, June 2008, 120D.
- Lawrence, T. (2012). Capturing Condensate. High Performing Buildings. June 6, 2012.
- Atmospheric Water Generation: An environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water? by Ms Naomi Blackburn & Dr Greg Peters, Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) Conference 2013
- Randall, I. (2014). New device pulls water from thin air
- White, K. (2015). Out of thin air: Using technologies like atmospheric water generation for agricultural irrigation
- Professor POU/POE: Condensing water vapor from air for drinking and bulk water
- Safe Drinking Water is Essential; National Academy of Sciences
- U.S. Drought Portal
- Unlimited pure water from the air
- USA EPA Drinking Water Regulations
- World Health Organization: Calcium and magnesium in drinking-water
- World Health Organization: Drinking-water quality
- World Health Organization: Nutrients in drinking-water
- Food and Agriculture Organization: AQUASTAT; "AQUASTAT is FAO's global water information system, developed by the Land and Water Division. It is the most quoted source on global water statistics..."
- Water Technology. (2015). California capitol presentation to showcase atmospheric water generation technology. www.watertechonline.com, July 10, 2015.
- Killough, D. (2015). Rain Tunnel Technology Provides Drinking Water from Air. Green Building Elements. August 3, 2015.
- Making Water from Air — Water Quality Testing
- Walton, B. (2016). As Groundwater Withdrawals Increase, Jakarta Sinks. WaterNews, Circle of Blue. March 29, 2016.
- Tripathy, N. D. (2016). The water-maker [S. S. Sivakumar]. The Asian Age. April 3, 2016.
- Sequeira, N. (2016). Making safe drinking water out of air. The Times of India. April 4, 2016.
- Shore, R. (2016). SFU engineers extract water from thin air. Vancouver Sun, April 28, 2016.
- White, K. (2016) The Caribbean Water Problem. Caribbean Journal, June 30, 2016.
- Sredni, Y. (2016). Out of Thin Air: Israeli Scientists Harvest Drinking Water From Air. NoCamels. September 1, 2016.
- Adams, B. B. (2017). The Benefits of Harvesting HVAC Condensation. Water Technology. February 17, 2017.
- Miller, J. L. (2017). Passive cooling doesn't cost the planet. Physics Today, April 2017.
- Patel, P. (2017). Solar-Powered Device Pulls Water Out of Thin (and Pretty Dry) Air. IEEE Spectrum. 2017-04-13. ["The device could be an affordable way to harvest water from air in underdeveloped, arid regions."]
- Chandler, D. L. (2017, April). Water, water everywhere … even in the air. MIT News. April 14, 2017. [" Severe water shortages already affect many regions around the world, and are expected to get much worse as the population grows and the climate heats up. But a new technology developed by scientists at MIT and the University of California at Berkeley could provide a novel way of obtaining clean, fresh water almost anywhere on Earth, by drawing water directly from moisture in the air even in the driest of locations."]
- McLean, M. (2017). Mechanical engineer finds niche in technical analysis. Journal of Business (Spokane), May 25, 2017. ["Johnston says he worked for nearly half of 2016 providing engineering and systems-design services on a project for a company that makes atmospheric water generators, which extract drinking water from the air. The company’s generators range from a water-cooler sized device that generates three gallons of water a day to a large machine that’s mounted on a three-axle truck and produces up to 3,000 gallons a day."]
- Josephs, J. (2017). Producing Drinking Water from Thick Air. WaterWorld, July 1, 2017. ["The market for atmospheric water generators - technology which can draw water from the air - has started to take off. How do these technologies work and at what scale? We look at Israeli solution Water-Gen."]
- Lavine, M. S. (2017). Framework materials can dew it. Science 07 Jul 2017: Vol. 357, Issue 6346, pp. 44-45. This article references "Record Atmospheric Fresh Water Capture and Heat Transfer with a Material Operating at the Water Uptake Reversibility Limit" by Adam J. Rieth, and others.
- Möller-Gulland, J. (2017). Hanoi Sinks As It Grows. WaterNews, Circle of Blue. July 29, 2017.
- Solar Atmospheric Water Generator Website
- National University of Singapore (NUS) researchers pioneer water-based, eco-friendly and energy-saving air-conditioner—All-weather friendly cooling technology works without mechanical compressors or chemical refrigerants, and generates drinking water (08 January 2018)
- Chandler, D. L. (2018, March). In field tests, device harvests water from desert air. MIT News. March 22, 2018. ["MIT-developed system could provide drinking water even in extremely arid locations."]
- Gent, E. (2018). Pulling Water, Fuel, and Power From Thin Air Is Getting Practical. Singularity Hub, June 18, 2018.
- KLa Systems. (2018). Modern Invention Pulls Water Out Of Thin Air. Water Online, August 15, 2018.
- Graham, K. (2018). Pulling water from air using technology and traditional methods. Digital Journal, September 9, 2018.
- Walton, B. (2018). Thirsty Cities Drill for Water. WaterNews, Circle of Blue. September 18, 2018. [focus on Cape Town, South Africa]
- Ritter, K. (2018). Tribal Clashes Leave Several Dead in Kenya as Resources, Aid Dry Up. HotSpots H2O, Circle of Blue. September 17, 2018.
- Marx, K. (2018). Villagers protest over irregular water supply. Times News Network. September 21, 2018. [Vellore, India]
- Halford, B. (2018). Can stripping the air of its moisture quench the world's thirst? Chemical & Engineering News. October 15, 2018.
- KAUST. (2018). Drinking water sucked from the dusty desert air: An inexpensive hydrogel-based material efficiently captures moisture even from low-humidity air and then releases it on demand. KAUST Discovery. November 25, 2018.
- Acosta, Z. (2019). This water dispenser creates water out of thin air. Nolisoli (April 18, 2019).
- McMillan, D. (2019). The Canadian innovation that pulls drinking water our of thin air. Canadian Geographic (May 3, 2019).
- Green Prophet (2019). Watergen pulls water from air for orphanage in Uzbekistan. Green Prophet, May 30, 2019.
- Boyd, J. (2109). Engineers boost output of solar desalination system by 50%. Phys.org, June 18, 2019.
- Boryga, A. (2019). Just add humidity: How this air-to-water machine can quench your thirst. phys.org. June 20, 2019.
- Fleming, N. (2019). How to suck water from desert air and quench the planet's thirst. New Scientist. July 31, 2019.
- Kresh, M. (2019). 5 Ways To Use Air-Conditioner Water. Green Prophet, September 2, 2019.
- Root, R. (2019). Are water ATMs dispensing a viable solution to clean water? Devex. October 1, 2019.
- London, M. (2019). Texas man’s invention provides clean water out of air. Spectrum News. October 9, 2019.ides clean water out of air
- RUDN University. (2019). Testing the feasibility of the UN Sustainable Development Goals on water and sanitation. Phys.org. October 25, 2019.
- Chandler, D. (2019). System provides cooling with no electricity. Tech Xplore. October 30, 2019.
- Environmental Protection Agency (USA). Atmospheric Water Generation Research: Evaluating technologies that produce potable water from the air. [website (last updated November 13, 2019) with links to an evaluation report and a technical brief]
- The University of Newcastle Australia (2019). Hydro Harvester is making a splash to solve global water shortage. University News. 2019-12-11. ["The Hydro Harvester is an apparatus which absorbs water from the air at night using silica gel. During the day, solar energy or waste heat is used to produce hot, humid air – and the hotter the air, the more water it holds. This hot air is then cooled using ambient air as a heat sink to extract water for drinking or irrigation."]
- DARPA Public Affairs. (2019). Drinking Water, on Demand and from Air. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. 2019-12-12.
["Low-power extraction technologies could capture potable water from ambient arid air, giving deployed troops greater mission flexibility"] - San Diego International Airport. (2019). SAN Collaborates with Ballast Point & Water Works to Brew a Beer Made from Purified Condensate. December 19, 2019.
- Watering deserts: New ways to pluck water from desert air. The Economist, Jan 11, 2020.
- Israeli water tech deployed in Gaza to ease water crisis, AZERTAC, February 14, 2020.
- Halon, E. (2020). Israeli researchers develop technology producing water from air. The Jerusalem Post, February 18, 2020.
- Walton, B. (2020). Speaking of Water: Sera Young on Identifying Who Is Water Insecure. Circle of Blue, February 25, 2020. ["...talking about the tool that you’ve helped developed called HWISE looking at water insecurity by households."]
- TERI partners with start-up to generate water from air moisture. Outlook, The News Scroll. February 27, 2020.
- Eggert, M. C. & Symmonds, G. (2020). Water From Air: A Pipe Dream Or New Frontier? Water Online. March 17, 2020.
- Holstege, S. (2020). Water where you need it. MIT Technology Review, April 15, 2020. [Article about Zero Mass Water]
- Tikhonov, I. (2020). The influence of various forms of carbon dioxide in water on its pH value. May 1, 2020. tiwater.info [Abstract: "This article discusses the existence of various forms of carbon dioxide in water. The importance of measuring the pH value in determining the ratios of bicarbonates, carbonates and hydrates is shown. The article presents a method for calculating the pH value of water depending on the ratio of various forms of carbon dioxide in water. The developed method is adapted for calculating the pH value of water in the alkaline range. The article presents the results of calculations using this method and it compares the calculated and experimental data."]
- Akram, F. & Ben Zion, I. (2020). Israeli billionaire hopes to bring water to parched Gaza. AP News. May 6, 2020.
- Beltran, L. (2020). BlackRock Leads $50 Million Round in Hydropanel Startup Zero Mass. Barron's, June 17, 2020. ["BlackRock is making good on its pledge to focus more on sustainability by leading a $50 million Series C1 round for Zero Mass Water, which makes hydropanels that collect water from the atmosphere."]
- Eggert, M. C. & Slovenec, F. (2020). AWG Innovators Tap Infinitely Renewable Clean Water Source. Working Pressure (official magazine of ASSE International). June 26, 2020.
- Notman, N. (2020). Atmospheric Water Harvesting. Chemistry World. July 6, 2020.
- Ratcliffe, V. (2020). A U.S. Firm Is Turning Arabian Desert Air Into Bottled Water. Bloomberg. July 14, 2020.
- Kamath, P. (2020). US Firm To Pull Out Water From Arabian Desert Air, Package And Sell It to High-end Hotels. REPUBLICWORLD.COM. 14th July, 2020..
- Gnana, J. (2020). How Covid-19 is accelerating the adoption of air-to-water tech in the Middle East. The National. October 11, 2020.
- Chandler, D. L. (2020, October). Solar-powered system extracts drinkable water from “dry” air. MIT News. October 14, 2020. ["Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have significantly boosted the output from a system that can extract drinkable water directly from the air even in dry regions, using heat from the sun or another source."]
- Carne, N. (2020). A new attempt to get water from the air. Cosmos Magazine. October 15, 2020.
- ‘Water from air’ technology shows promise. Beef Central, October 30, 2020 ["A University of Sydney team has won a research challenge for its project working on passive collection systems designed to extract water out of thin air."]
- Lin, T. Y. (2021). NUS researchers create aerogel that turns air into drinking water. today.
Retrieved from https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/nus-researchers-create-aerogel-turns-air-drinking-water - Rulison, L. (2021). GE wins $14 million to make water out of air. timesunion. February 5, 2021.
- Vijaykumar, V. (2021). Wassup Laundry’s waterless wonder works for water woes. New Indian Express. February 9, 2021.
- Hemanth, C. S. (2021). Workers will take a sip of air at this Whitefield complex. Bangalore Mirror. February 17, 2021.
- Brigano F. & Kapustin, E. (2021). Applications & Evolution of Atmospheric Water Generation Technologies. Water Quality Products Magazine. March 5, 2021.
- Walton, B. (2021). Desalination Has a Waste Problem: Brine production is 50 percent higher than was assumed, UN study finds. Circle of Blue. April 22, 2021.
- Schneider, K. (2021). Pandemic Brings WASH to Rare Inflection Point: Despite fears of collapse, water, sanitation, and hygiene draw closer to epic goal. Circle of Blue. April 20, 2021. [This article, the first in a series on the global status of universal access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, is produced through a collaboration between Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center, with support from The Hilton Foundation.]
- Schneider, K. (2021). Innovation in Financing Brightens WASH Galaxy: Funding for water, sanitation and hygiene starts to arrive faster, with clearer requirements. Circle of Blue. April 26, 2021. [This article, the second in a series on the global status of universal access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, is produced through a collaboration between Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center, with support from The Hilton Foundation.]
- California craft beer company to use atmospheric water generation system. Water Tech Online. Apr 30th, 2021. ["In a first of its kind fusion of brewing and mass atmospheric water technology for sustained beverage production, BarrelHouse Brewing Company and Genesis Systems have announced an agreement in which Genesis Systems will provide one of its patented AquaGEN™ water generation systems to BarrelHouse Brewing for the purpose of sourcing clean, environmentally friendly water for the brewing processes."]
- Schneider, K. (2021). Universal WASH Gains Traction Even as Hand Pumps Lose Ground: Troubled water supply systems in Africa spur demand for new technology. Circle of Blue. May 4, 2021. [This article, the third in a series on the global status of universal access to water, sanitation, and hygiene, is produced through a collaboration between Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center, with support from The Hilton Foundation.]
- Malloy, C. (2021). Air Conditioners Might Be One Water Source of Our Urban Future. Bloomberg CityLab. May 11, 2021.
- Perkins, R. (2021). New Material Could Harvest Water All Day Long. Caltech. May, 19, 2021.
- Bauer, S. (2021). Efficient Dehumidifier Makes Air Conditioning a Breeze. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. June 15, 2021.
- Bergamin, F. (2021). Harvesting drinking water from humidity around the clock. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, June 23, 2021. ["Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a condenser for countries where water is in short supply. Theirs is the first zero-energy solution for harvesting water from the atmosphere throughout the 24-hour daily cycle. It relies on a self-cooling surface and a special radiation shield."]
- UAE: World’s first solar project to extract water from air at Masdar. Khaleej Times. August 1, 2021.
- Divon, M. M. (2021). UAE: Machines that produce water from air placed in parks, beaches in Abu Dhabi. Khaleej Times. August 10, 2021.
- Cureton, E. (2021). Warm Springs leaders back high tech in struggle for safe drinking water. OPB, August 10, 2021. [This article is about a SOURCE Hydropanel project on the Warm Springs reservation in Central Oregon.]
- American Chemical Society. "Watercooler parts could be a source of organophosphate ester exposure." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 September 2021.
- Sankar, A. (2021). Swiss technology can solve GCC water shortage problem. Khaleej Times. September 8, 2021. [GCC = Gulf Cooperation Council; "Researchers at ETH Zurich have now developed a technology that, for the first time, allows them to harvest water 24 hours around the clock, with no energy input, even under the blazing sun. The new device essentially consists of a specially coated glass pane, which both reflects solar radiation, and also radiates away its own heat through the atmosphere to the outer space. It thus cools itself down to as much as 15 degrees Celsius below the ambient temperature. On the underside of this pane, water vapour from the air condenses into water."]
- Micro-factories for local and sustainable production of water and other beverages. The Water Network, September 13, 2021. ["LUND, Sweden, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Alfa Laval has signed a partner agreement with Wayout International, a Swedish innovation company, to develop micro-factories for local and sustainable production of water and other beverages. The micro-factories will use Alfa Laval technology and be built at the company's site in Copenhagen, Denmark. The agreement covers the production of up to 100 micro-factories, and the partnership starts in 2022."]
- Arizona State University. "Safeguarding clean water for spaceflight missions." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 September 2021.
- Delia, J. (2021). Hydrologist sounds alarm bells over Malta’s fragile water supply, cites ‘phenomenal’ increase in water demand. The Shift (Malta). September 1, 2021.
- Öhrström, L. & Amombo Noa, F. M. (2021). An improved water-harvesting cycle. Science, 22 October 2021, 402.
- Peters, A. (2021). Alphabet designed a low-cost device to make drinking water from air. Now it’s open-sourced. Fast Company, October 27, 2021.
- Global Water Intelligence (GWI). (2021). Where do atmospheric water generators really fit? [link provided by Drupps via their website].
- Uppsala Universitet Invest AB. (2021). Jonas Wamstad – erfaren entreprenör med örat mot marken och intresse för vatten [in Swedish; Jonas Wamstad (founder of Drupps) – experienced entrepreneur with ear to the ground and interested in water; click on link and you will see message box asking if you want English translation]
- Patel, P. (2021). Could Pulling Water from Air Slake Global Thirst? IEEE Spectrum. 2021-11-19. ["Alphabet mapping tool shows atmospheric water harvesting works in some of the world's most parched places."]
- PNG Business News (2021)TWM GROUP IS MAKING HIGH-QUALITY DRINKING WATER USING NOTHING BUT SUNLIGHT AND AIR. PNG Business News, November 21, 2021. [about a SOURCE Global installation in Papua New Guinea]
- McFadden, C. (2021). Here Are the Most Advanced Methods to Extract Plentiful Water From Thin Air. Interesting Engineering, 2021-12-10.
- Collins, L. (2021). Extracting water from desert air: unique 10GW green hydrogen project set to begin construction in 2022—The $10.75bn Desert Bloom facility in Australia’s Northern Territory is due to start commercial production the following year. Recharge, 2021-12-13.
- Kart, J. (2022). Solar-Powered SOURCE Hydropanels Can Produce Up To 5 Liters Of Drinking Water Per Day. Forbes, Jan 13, 2022.
- Wiley (2022). Hydrogels containing a hygroscopic salt can harvest freshwater from dry air. Phys.org (28 February 2022).
- Blazier, K. (2022). Valley company uses technology to create water using sunlight and air. abc 15 Arizona, Apr 06, 2022.
- Westerling, K. (2022) Addressing Water Scarcity Through Innovation. Water Online. [interview with Robert Bartrop, Chief Revenue Officer at SOURCE Global]
- McMillan, R. (2022). It's a page right out of 'Star Wars:' Fresh drinking water made from thin air. ABC7 Eyewitness News, July 13, 2022. ["New Skywell Water Dispenser offers cold, clean water that doesn't come from a pipe. Instead, quite literally it is from thin air."]
- Tong, Z. (2022). Stay hydrated any place, any time: Chinese scientists develop a low-cost sponge that can suck water from air. South China Morning Post, 28 Jul 2022. ["1kg of the hi-tech material can yield 2.5kg of water in a day, enough for the needs of an adult"; "New hydrogel provides a simple and affordable way of water harvesting in dry areas, according to a member of the research team behind the technology"]
- Sengupta, A. (2022). Six railway stations to get drinking water from air. The Economic Times [India], Aug 30, 2022. ["Maithri Aquatech Pvt Ltd. has been awarded a contract for setting up 17 Meghdoot atmospheric water generator kiosks in the Mumbai Division of Central Railway under the 'New, Innovative Non-Fare Revenue Ideas Scheme' (NINFRIS) for five years, an official said."]
- Scott, A. (2022). Molecular sponge soaks up water from desert air. Nature Middle East. 2022-08-31. ["Scientists at Jordan’s Royal Scientific Society have developed a MOF-based prototype that uses algorithms to optimize its ability to harvest water from air."]
- Kumar, L. M. (2022). Water Out Of Air! Here's How This Bengaluru-Based Startup Is Tackling Water Crisis, Generating Renewable Water. The Logical Indian. 2022-09-05. ["Uravu Labs is a project that was started by a group of youth who were concerned by the threat of water shortage in many parts of the world. Watering the idea of inexhaustible renewable water tech, they have reimagined water consumption in the 21st century."]
- Harrer, R. (2022, September). Capturing Water from the Atmosphere. ChemistryViews, September 6, 2022.
- Harrer, R. (2022, September). Self-Optimizing Device for Atmospheric Water Harvesting. ChemistryViews, September 6, 2022.
- Fine, H. (2022, September). Drinking Water from Air: Local Company Finds Niche Selling Atmospheric Water Generators. Los Angeles Business Journal, September 19, 2022. [about Skywell]
- Marchese, S. (2022, September). Asbestos in the Water Supply. Asbestos.com. September 22, 2022. ["There are an increasing number of ways that drinking water can become contaminated with asbestos and other toxins. It’s more important than ever to learn what regulations are in place to protect your health and what can be done to purify the water."] Related resource: Mesothelioma Lawyer Center.
- Himmelstein, S. (2022, September). Harvesting green hydrogen from thin air. Engineering 360. September 23, 2022. ["The Direct Air Electrolyzer (DAE) captures water directly from the air for subsequent processing in a standard electrolysis process. The freshwater trapped by a hygroscopic ionic solution is directed to an electrolysis system powered by solar or wind with a current density up to 574 mA/cm2. A prototype device operated for 12 consecutive days with a Faradaic efficiency of around 95%."]
- Chowdhary, S. (2022). URAVU LABS: Creating sustainable water out of air using renewable tech. financialexpress.com. 2022-09-27. ["Clean drinking water is getting scarce. Current water infrastructure is inadequate in the face of increasing droughts, unreliable supplies and climate change. Put simply, there is an urgent need for resilient solutions. In this regard, a Bengaluru-based deep-tech startup, Uravu Labs, has a solution; it is literally creating water out of air, thanks to its unique 100% renewable water technology."]
- Magoum, I. (2022, October). TUNISIA: Kumulus raises €1m for its atmospheric water generators. Afrik 21. 2022-10-03.
- Knodell, K. (2022, November). Marines look to pull water out of the air to support operations. Stars and Stripes. 2022-11-21.
- Hydrogen Central (2023). EPFL Made a Significant Step Towards Device That Can Harvest Water from The Air and Provide Hydrogen Fuel. Hydrogen Central. 2023-01-06. [ EPFL = École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne]
- Gent, E. (2023). The Indian Startup Pulling Water From the Air. IEEE Spectrum. 2023-02-03. ["Uravu’s new 1,000-liter-per-day unit will come on line this month."]
- Newton, E. (2023). 7 Advanced Technologies To End The Clean Water Crisis. Water Online. 2023-03-20.
- Carrere, M. Translated by Nicolson, L. (2023). Chile communities defy the desert by capturing increasingly scarce water. Mongabay. 2023-04-04. ["The inhabitants of a rural community on the expanding frontier of Chile’s Atacama Desert are able to harvest around 500,000 liters (132,000 gallons) of water per year, thanks to fog nets installed 17 years ago. This water has allowed them to revive their mountain region’s vegetation and launch new businesses to improve their quality of life and adapt to drought."]
- MacErlean, F. (2023). Opportunities for technology that extracts water from air. Water News Europe. 2023-07-17. ["Technologies that extract water from air could be entering a stage of major growth as a future solution to drought, particularly in arid regions without other water sources. Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs) now range from home-based units that can produce one to 20 litres of water per day to commercial-scale units capable of creating 1,000 to more than 10,000 litres per day."]
- HTN Staff. (2023). Delta Hotels by Marriott in Dubai Uses Technology to Transform Humidity in the Air Into Drinking Water. Hotel Technology News. 2023-09-02. ["The hotel currently has two AirOWater Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG) units, which produce a range of 500 to 1,000 liters of water in one day, enough to cover all of the property's drinking water requirements."]
- Rak, G. (2023). A New Energy-Efficient Hydrogel Pulls Water From Air. IEEE Spectrum. 2023-09-21. ["This new material could help provide drinking water in hot, arid places."]
- Karasin, R. (2023). SkyH2O Plans to Build 100+ ‘Micro-wateries’ Over Five Years Using Atmospheric Water Generation. Greentown Labs News. 2023-10-04.
- Surkes, S. (2023). Israeli solar-run machines that convert air to drinking water still working in Gaza. The Times of Israel. 2023-11-14.
["Three out of seven Watergen machines installed in the south of the Hamas-controlled enclave reportedly still supplying clean water to at least 2,000 Gazans"] - Beatty, W. (2023). Harvesting Water from Air with Solar Power. AIP Publishing News. 2023-12-05. [" Atmospheric water harvester provides water to arid communities using hygroscopic gel and salts."]
- Egypt Today staff. (2024). Egyptian, Japanese firms to co-produce atmospheric water generator. Egypt Today. 2024-02-25.
- Quarles, J. (2024). Water to the people: a pathway through innovative technology and public-private partnerships. The Agenda Weekly (published by World Economic Forum). 2024-02-26. ["Distribution of atmospheric water generation technology to communities in need can serve as an effective stopgap measure for municipalities facing immediate clean water shortages."]
- Chandler, D. L. (2024). How light can vaporize water without the need for heat. MIT News. 2024-04--23. ["Surprising “photomolecular effect” discovered by MIT researchers could affect calculations of climate change and may lead to improved desalination and drying processes."]
- EIT Food (2024). Agua de Sol turns air into water thanks to the sun. EIT Food News & updates. 2024-05-06. ["In France, an ex-supplier of air-drying solutions to the nuclear sector draws from his surroundings and transforms into an unlikely champion of clean, free drinking water."]
- Woody, T. (2024). Startups Are Racing to Make Water Out of Thin Air. Bloomberg. 2034-08-08. ["Materials that are bigger on the inside than the outside provide a futuristic solution to supply water to an increasingly arid planet."]. Alternate link: click here.
- Menon, A. (2024). Innovative air-to-water tech using liquid desiccant makes affordable, renewable water. Mongabay-India. 2024-08-13. ["Bengaluru-based Uravu Labs employs an innovative technology that uses a liquid desiccant to bottle atmospheric water for consumption."]
- Anonymous (2024). Four billion people estimated to lack safe drinking water services. Smart Water Magazine. 2024-08-20. ["More than half of the global population was estimated to lack safely managed drinking water services in a recent study led by Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology) researchers. This is shown in a global map that researchers compiled using machine learning based on data from household surveys and data derived from Earth observations."]
- Arbeli, P. (2024). H2OLL launches the first complete system in the Wadi Attir project. The Water Network. 2024-09-12. ["The technology developed by Prof. Broday and Prof. Friedler enables the production of water from the air even in dry and desert areas, while completely blocking chemical and biological pollutants. It is based on adsorption..."]
- A1rwater (2024). A1RWATER and Umm Al Emarat Park partner to advance UAE’s sustainability goals with innovative air-to-water technology. The Water Network. 2024-11-15. ["A1RWATER’s A1R30 and A1R100 machines respectively produce 30 and 100 liters of water daily from atmospheric humidity"]
- Bach, M. (2024). Harvesting Water From Air: Building Water Resilience In Remote Arid Regions Is Science, Not Science Fiction. Water Online, 2024-12-06. ["...ultra-porous crystalline structures, designed at the nanoscale, provide an immense internal surface area. In fact, just one gram of this material can display an internal surface area equivalent to a football field. Since water molecules are adsorbed onto the surface within the pores of the reticular material, the resultant larger surface area means more water can be retained. The materials demonstrate remarkable selectivity and tunability, which allow them to specifically target water vapor, even in environments with ultra-low humidity levels (below 20% relative humidity)."]
- NASA (2024). NASA-DOD Study: Saltwater To Widely Taint Coastal Groundwater By 2100. Water Online, 2024-12-11. ["Intrusion of saltwater into coastal groundwater can make water there unusable, damage ecosystems, and corrode infrastructure.']
- Walton, B. (2024). Safe Drinking Water Act Turns 50. Circle of Blue, 2024-12-16.
- Technology Networks (2025). Biomass Hydrogels Harvest Water From Air. Technology Networks: Applied Sciences, 2025-02-25.
["UT Austin researchers engineered biomass hydrogels to harvest drinkable water from air using minimal energy."]